The Center for At-Risk Elders, Inc.

CARE Legal Director leads press conference on steps of the United States District Court.

Lawsuit Alleges Civil Rights of Woman Violated While at Marion County Jail

The Center for At-Risk Elders, Inc. filed suit yesterday in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana on behalf of Adilah Patton, for whom the organization serves as court-appointed guardian. (Case No. 1:24-cv-983)

The plaintiff is diagnosed with mental illness which led to her adjudication as an incapacitated adult by the Marion County (Indiana) Superior Court on February 23, 2022 at which time the Center for At-Risk Elders, Inc. was appointed Ms. Patton’s guardian.

The lawsuit outlines a series of events that took place while Ms. Patton was detained at the Marion County (Indiana) Jail.  Ms. Patton received three injections against her wishes, over her objections, and without obtaining the consent of her guardian. While forcing one injection upon her, Center staff, agents, and/or apparent agents dislocated Ms. Patton’s left thumb. The medical vendor, Wellpath, LLC, and the Marion County Sheriff are among the defendants.

Civil rights attorneys Mark Sniderman and Daniel Bowman represent the Center for At-Risk Elders, Inc., in its unique role as guardian of Ms. Patton in this matter.

            “The Marion County Sheriff operates the jail and has a legal obligation to protect those in his custody.  This includes the care and treatment provided by Wellpath,” said Mollie Golden, Legal Director of the Center for At-Risk Elders.  “Those with mental illness are not only not served by the current system, but in Ms. Patton’s case being directly harmed by it.”

            The Center for At-Risk Elders seeks compensatory and punitive damages, declaratory judgment, injunctive relief, and attorney fees and costs so that Ms. Patton may have some relief, and to reduce the chances that inmates receive forced injections in the future.

To view the complaint, click here.

CARE Chosen as Mickey's Camp Charity

Well-respected community leader Mickey Maurer had a dream to gather community friends together away from the pressures of daily life while at the very same time raising money for charities doing incredible work.  The dream became a reality in 2001. All total, Mickey’s Camp has raised over $3 million dollars over the

​The Center for at Risk-Risk Elders is thrilled to be selected as one of the four local charities for both the men's and women's camps.  CARE will be joining Dove Recovery House for Women, Mitch Daniels Leadership Foundation, and TeenWorks. A portion of the net proceeds from each camper's registration will be donated to CARE and the other three organizations.

​To learn more about Mickey's Camp, visit